Web Ministry
Lito Moran became acquainted with the Norwalk church through our Web site. He read our statement of beliefs, and enrolled in studies he found on the the Studies page. He had been attending another Protestant church, but had been impressed that the seventh day is God's true Sabbath. As a result of the studies, he decided to join the Adventist church. Lito then studied with his wife Emily, and she was baptized. Lito and Emily are now active in the church program. Lito does the Video Web presentation and graphics for the worship services, and Emily has helped out with the Norwalk Web site. They are also sharing their new faith with family and friends.
Adventist Web Evangelism Project The Norwalk Web Group has deveoped an exciting new evangelism initiative called AdventWeb. This innovative project has received sponsorship from the Pacific Union Conference and the General Conference Global Mission office. The objective is to fulfill the Great Commission and proclaim the messages of the Three Angels on a world-wide basis, through reaching out to millions of persons individually by means of the global Internet media.
The AdventWeb Project involves the construction and operation of 15 information Web sites. These sites are based upon the new "INFO" domain names, eg. prophecy.info, that have recently been released by the Internet. The sites are to be specifically designed for outreach to non-Adventist, with each Web site targeting certain interest groups. Four sites are designed to appeal to people of a general Western secular culture. Six sites reach out to people of the Christian faith, and five sites are configured to serve people of other relitions and cultures. The goal of these sites is to interest site visitors in the Adventist message, convict them of that message, and lead prospects into making contact with a local Adventist Church or small group in their area.