Easy guidance for Sterling Volunteers background check:
Click on “Sterling Volunteers Background Form” button
Set up an account; follow it step by step.
o You are not required to provide a social security number.
o Language options of English and Spanish are provided.
o At any time, you may sign out and back in; you will not have to start the process again.
o Watch a training video; answer questions in a child training module.
o The entire process takes about 45 minutes.
o Submit your application for background check. (Failure to SUBMIT pauses the process
o Pay with a credit card up to $18.00. (Cost is pre-determined by home zip code.)
o The report will be good for three years from date of eligibility. (Random checks will continue
for three years, with no additional cost.)
This is mandatory for all volunteers working with our Kids Ministries.
Thank you for your continued cooperation in keeping our campus safe and our kids protected. If you have any
questions contact the office 562-863-0614 or the Risk Management Department at the link above.